Who is TPERinc

       Tperinc is a professional manufacturer certified by IATF 16949 and ISO9001. Tperinc is headquartered in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Over the years, we have expertise in technology development and manufacturing, as well as necessary market knowledge, to meet the needs of the gas-liquid process control, vehicle and railway, chemical energy, and industrial market sectors.
       We extensively design electromagnetic products to meet the needs and requirements of our customers, providing professional solutions for electrical use in hazardous and non hazardous environments.

For system customers, Tperinc is not only a developer of electromagnetic technology solutions, but also an expert in mechanical production, electrical safety, coil production, plastic technology, and welding technology.
Our simultaneous provision of customer service not only means developing customized products, but also includes the process of upgrading and updating related products.
You don't need to collaborate with different subcontractors in the project, which saves you time.


The structural principle and characteristics of explosion-proof solenoid valve machine

Tpernc Electronics Talks about the Function of Explosion proof Coils